
Issues on Skype: Status & Calling

Updated 11:00 UTC

We have detected an issue that is affecting Skype in a number of ways.

If you’re signed in to Skype, you will not be able to change your status and your contacts will all show as offline even if they are online. As a result, you won’t be able to start Skype calls to them.

A small number of messages to group chats are not being delivered, but in most cases you can still instant message your contacts..

If you aren’t signed in to Skype, you may be experiencing difficulty when attempting to sign in. Any changes to your Skype account such as your Credit balance or your profile details might take a little while to be displayed..

You may also have difficulty loading web pages on the Skype Community. For that reason, please check back here for future updates..

We’re doing everything we can to fix this issue and hope to have another update for you soon. Thank you for your patience as we work to get this incident resolved.

The last 24 hours have served as a reminder of just how precarious the strands that connect us to the internet can be. Skype is reporting that some its services have fallen over after a bug was found that’s preventing users from being seen as visible, rendering them incapable of making any voice or video calls. The news comes just a few short hours after The Next Web reported that an Amazon Web Services location in Virginia broke down, forcing some of the world’s most popular services, including Netflix, AirBnB and Viber, offline. The Amazon outage has been mostly fixed by now, and Skype is pledging to get its own issues shorted post-haste, but if any rival video call providers wanted to take advantage of the situation, now would be the time.