FEDORA Basic Commands

How to check OS version in RedHat

# cat /proc/version

How to check Distribution version

# cat /etc/*release

How to Zip a file/folder

Zip a Single File

To make a zip of single file, execute the below command:

#zip file.zip file1 file2

Zip Multiple Files

To make a zip of multiple files, execute the below command:

#zip file.zip file1 file2

Zip Single Folder

To make a zip of folder/directory, execute the below command:

#zip file.zip dir1

To make a optional zip of folder/directory, execute the below command:

#zip -option file.zip dir1

How to Set a Cronjob in Linux


A crontab is a simple text file with a list of commands meant to be run at specified times. It is edited with a command-line utility. These commands (and their run times) are then controlled by the cron daemon, which executes them in the system background. Each user has a crontab file which specifies the actions and times at which they should be executed, these jobs will run regardless of whether the user is actually logged into the system. There is also a root crontab for tasks requiring administrative privileges. This system crontab allows scheduling of system wide tasks (such as log rotations and system database updates).


Minutes      Hours       Day-of-Month        Month-field         Day-of-Week        /path/to/Command

Set Cronjob

To set the cronjob that runs every 5 minutes

# crontab -e
*/5 * * * * /root/backup.sh

How to Check Memory in Linux

Following are some useful commands to check the memory status of machine:

free Command

Use free command to check the memory, buffers, cache memory

# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          6082       5801        280          0        155       3887
-/+ buffers/cache:       1759       4322
Swap:         1707         33       1674

top Command

Top command tells the detailed information of CPU i.e time, load average, CPU utilization, memory, swap memory.

# top
top - 09:36:16 up 33 days, 16:47,  2 users,  load average: 0.49, 0.47, 0.52
Tasks: 157 total,   1 running, 155 sleeping,   1 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 30.0%us,  2.4%sy,  0.0%ni, 67.0%id,  0.5%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.1%st
Mem:   6228500k total,  5975956k used,   252544k free,   159264k buffers
Swap:  1748984k total,    34100k used,  1714884k free,  3980880k cached

11774 www-data  20   0 99.8m  56m 6780 S   55  0.9   1:02.52 apache2
21086 www-data  20   0  100m  54m 5620 S   39  0.9   0:04.14 apache2
21075 www-data  20   0 66524  19m 4848 S    4  0.3   0:21.04 apache2

htop Command

Install htop on server, htop command also tells the detailed information of CPU i.e time, load average, CPU utilization, memory, swap memory but in a nice format.

# htop

Check Memory Consumption Processes

Process that are eating more memory

# ps aux | awk '{print $2, $4, $11}' | sort -k2rn | head -n 20

How to Change Hostname in Linux

Method 1: Command Line

Step 1: Edit in /etc/sysconfig/network File

In order to change the hostname edit the following file:

# sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/network

Step 2: Modify /etc/hosts File

Edit /etc/hosts File and enter the hostname along with IP Address of server for local use.

# vi /etc/hosts tecdistro.com localhost.localdomain localhost tecdistro.com tecdistro.com

Step 3: Modify the Hostname

# hostname tecdistro.com
# hostname

Step 4: Restart Network

Now restart the network:

/etc/init.d/network restart

Method 2: GUI Environment

Step 1: Execute setup Command

# setup

Select Network Configuration Tab

Step 2: Select DNS Configuration


Step 3: Modify the Hostname

Once the changes have made, Select SAVE & QUIT and press ENTER key from keyboard.